Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rockies - Day Three

Written on 7/11/08 - Friday

Well, I made it. It was a long, hard hike, but I made it to Lawn Lake. The one thing I crave most right now is chapstick. I'm kicking myself now for not putting it in my pocket before I left. The air is so dry here, and my lips are suffering for it.

Besides that, it is magnificent here. I am a short walk away from the Lake, which is surrounded by snow-capped mountains. It's calm, clear, and a little cooler because of the elevation, but downright splendid. I think I'll stay up tonight and watch the stars come out.


Lawn Lake is perfect. It's like Maine...with mountains! I got some chapstick from the guys in the site next to me, and then spent the day think, reading, and hiking around the Lake. I don't need to worry about water, because the Lake's right there, and I don't need to gather wood for a fire. I can go to bed with the sun, and rise with him as well. I have so much time to let this whole trip sink in, instead of having the week fly by. Plus, there are tons of people around, which is actually nice. Even though it's not all Thoreau and solitude at Walden Pond, there is a certain bread of comfort to gain by having people around. We all keep our distance, but if I am in need, as with the chapstick, there is someone close at hand to turn to.

The lake is shining with the slowly setting sun, and there is a steady breeze, cooled by the snowy mountains: mammoth guardians over a sea of diamonds.

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