Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rockies - Day Four

Written on 7/12/08 - Saturday

I'm hiking up to the Saddle today. A beautiful clear sky awaits me.


I sit atop the mountains in splendor, and I cannot write, for the tears do blur my eyes.


The walk down was the hardest part. How could anyone ever want to leave such a place? Even now, sitting on my rock by the lake, it seems so near, yet it took me most of the morning to get there. If only I could have stayed longer, but the clouds were forming overhead and it was past midday.

Now, before I forget, here is a list of all the people I have connected with down here:
1 - Guy who sold me propane at the grocery store had a friend who went to PAPA fest.
2 - Guys who gave me chapstick went to Wheaton.
3 - Couple that gave me chapstick the second time had cousins that went to Wheaton.
4 - Girl I met on the way to the Saddle grew up in Wheaton and has a cottage in Stoughton on the lake. She even knew where my house was! How crazy is that?

So yeah, a lot. I think I'll go swimming now.


Just had dinner, and I'm entertaining myself by listening to the old men talk over to my right. God has taught me tonight mot to worry about things I have no control over. I was wasting time worrying over whether it would rain, and I wanted so badly for it NOT to rain, but after a while, God told me it wasn't worth worrying over, because He clothes the animals and flowers everyday, and how much greater is His love for me! So if it rains, I'll be prepared, and it can't last forever.

The middle guy has a laugh like Doug, and the older man, who is 61, snowboards.

So, I've found out that the best way to observe wildlife naturally is while going to the bathroom. I had a deer come right up to me this morning, after the bear two days ago. Very interesting.

What is the first thing a snowboarder says to a skier when they meet on the slopes? "Whoa, dude, sorry!"
What's the second thing? "Dude, hold my snowboard while I kiss your girlfriend."
--Told eloquently by a 61-year-old man.

These two days on Lawn Lake have been amazing. I could come here again and again. Goodnight.

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